Hautajaiskuvaus | Hietaniemen Krematoriokappeli

Hautajaiskuvaus | Hietaniemen Krematoriokappeli


Funeral photography is an opportunity to help your family’s journey through a difficult time, and to create a lasting tribute to your loved one.

From the somber moments of the ceremony to the warmth and comfort of the reception, I would be privileged to help you remember and honor your loved one in a meaningful way.

You can find more info about my Funeral Photography services HERE.


Hietaniemen Krematoriokappeli

The Hietaniemi Crematorium features an austerely beautiful chapel decorated with indoor plants and candles. The crematorium chapel hosts funeral services for all religions, as well as services with non-religious ceremonies.

Non-religious services often start with a musical interlude and continue with obituary and poem readings. Family and friends of the deceased have the opportunity to say a last farewell, and lay flowers and wreaths to surround the coffin. At the end of the service the coffin slides slowly out of the chapel to the accompaniment of music.

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Hautajaiskuvaus | Hietaniemen Krematoriokappeli

Funeral photography is a way to celebrate the life of a loved one and to provide comfort to those who are grieving.

If you are in need of funeral photography services, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am based in Helsinki, Finland, and cover funerals around Uusimaa. I would be privileged to help you celebrate and honour the life of your loved one in a meaningful way.

You can find more info about my Funeral Photography services HERE.


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