Finland | France | Italy | & Beyond
Bröllop på Vaxholms Kastell. Bröllop vigsel i Vaxholms Kyrka. Vaxholm wedding at Kastellet and Badholmen. Stockhom bröllopsfotograf. Bröllop på Badholmen. Badholmen och Vaxholms Kastell Bröllop. Vaxholm Fortress Wedding at Kastellet.
Michaela has been following my work ever since her sister’s wedding so many years ago. She has always been the first to send me encouraging words when new images were posted. So when she got in touch with me about her own wedding, I was excited.
Their traditional Swedish wedding ceremony took place at Vaxholm Church. The ceremony was so touching, with beautiful music, and the wedding couple’s parents gathering around to pray over them at the end. After the ceremony the guests took the ferry to Kastellet, a small fortress build upon an island outside Vaxholm. The party ended at Badholmen, yet another island in the Stockholm archipelago.