Hautajaiskuvaukset | Nurmijärven Siunauskappeli

Hautajaiskuvaukset | Nurmijärven Siunauskappeli Hautajaiset | Valokuvaaminen Hautajaisissa


Funeral photography is an opportunity to help your family’s journey through a difficult time, and to create a lasting tribute to your loved one.

From the somber moments of the ceremony to the warmth and comfort of the reception, I would be privileged to help you remember your loved one.

You can find more info about my Funeral Photography services HERE.


Nurmijärven Siunauskappeli Hautajaiset

It is always an honor to capture important moments in people’s lives, and that is especially true when it comes to funerals. Recently, I had the privilege of photographing a small funeral in the beautiful Nurmijärvi chapel.

The chapel itself is a red building in the middle of the Nurmijärvi village cemetery. Its blue wooden floor gives the space a homely and safe feel, which perfectly complements the stunning altar painting. The painting is a beautiful blue hue and portrays the glory of Christ, with angels surrounding the light that shines on the suffering Jesus on the cross.

The chapel is a very functional space for a blessing ceremony. With its serenity, warmth, and beauty it provides a comforting embrace for grieving relatives. As I photographed the funeral, I couldn’t help but be struck by the peaceful atmosphere of the chapel. It truly is a special place.

After the burial, the reception was held in the parish hall. Here friends and family gathered to share memories and support each other. It was a touching and heartwarming event, and I was grateful to be able to document it.

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Hautajaiskuvaukset | Nurmijärven Siunauskappeli Hautajaiset | Valokuvaaminen Hautajaisissa


Funeral photography is a way to celebrate the life of a loved one and to provide comfort to those who are grieving.

If you are in need of funeral photography services, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am based in Helsinki, Finland, and cover funerals around Uusimaa. I am privileged to help you celebrate and honor the life of your loved one in a meaningful way.

You can find more info about my Funeral Photography services HERE.


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